Arduino - products that work with official Arduino boards

Motor drive module comes with its own four HG7881 chip.
Can drive 4 DC motors, or two 4-wire 2-phase stepping motor.
Module supply voltage: 2.5-12V
Suitable for the motor range: motor operating voltage 2.5V-12V
0.8A maximum operating current
Size: 49mm x 36mm
Color: Blue
Interface Description:
[10P black curved pin instructions]
1 A1 external MCU IO port
2 A2 external MCU IO port
3 B1 external MCU IO port
4 B2 external MCU IO port
5 C1 external MCU IO port
6 C2 external MCU IO port
7 D1 external MCU IO port
8 D2 external MCU IO port
9 + external 2.5V-12V voltage
10 - External GND
[8P PCB terminal block description]
1 MOTORA is connected to DC motor with 2 pins, no direction
2 MOTORB is connected to DC motor with 2 pins, no direction
3 MOTORC connects DC motor with 2 pins, no direction
4 MOTORD connects DC motor with 2 pins, no direction
Instructions for Use:
Turn on VCC, GND module power indicator is on
A1 input high level, A2 input low level, MOTORA motor forwards;
A1 input low level, A2 input high level, MOTORA motor reversed;
B1 inputs high level, B2 inputs low level, MOTORB motor rotates forward;
B1 input low level, B2 input high level, MOTORB motor reverses;
C1 input high level, C2 input low level, MOTORC motor forwards;
C1 input low level, C2 input high level, MOTORC motor reversed;
D1 input high level, D2 input low level, MOTORD motor forward rotation;
D1 input low level, D2 input high level, MOTORD motor reverses;
Package Incldued:
3 x HG7881 4-Channel DC Stepper Motor Driver Controller Board

Arduino - products that work with official Arduino boardsSee detail